If you want to borrow my long johns, that's fine.
Max Baer, Jr. as Jethro Bodine

Jethro mining gold from 'Hillbillies'
Max Baer, Jr., who played Jethro Bodine on "The Beverly Hillbillies," is going to start producing Beverly-Hillbilly-themed slot machines.

Intriguing? Perhaps, but nowhere near as intriguing as this Max Baer, Jr. photo.

At first I thought they interviewed him in a hotel room, but no, this is his home. That's why he's so comfortable. I hope that Max was reclining like that throughout the entire interview.

Also, I like the teddy bear. And I like the enormous sports nutrition supplement bottle on the night stand. And I like the whole sunglasses indoors thing.

Here's another picture of Max Baer, Jr., looking very entrepeneurial.

Since we're on the topic of Max Baer, Jr., you may want to persevere some terrible Flash navigation to learn a little bit about the fascinating but as-of-yet-unrealized plans for Jethro's casino in Reno.

It's Max Baer, Jr. day! Happy Max Baer, Jr. Day everyone!

[Thanks, John Z.]
Google image search: Jethro Joe Louis punching a snowman


And l'ultime Coneman. And for those who just can't get enough Coneman, there's a little more Coneman, here.
Merry Christmas from the Viet Cong
Propaganda flyers from Vietnam
Fascinating article about propaganda flyers dropped in Vietnam, originating from both America and North Vietnam. Includes lots of examples.

[Thank you, José]

Justin Quinnell's pinhole mouth cam
Forty photos from a day in the life of the photographer's mouth.

Here's what Justin Quinnell looks like with a mouthful of camera.

And here's the Lincoln Memorial.

[Thanks, Holly.]
Mark Allen's bio Todd's rabbit sound page
Also bunny video clips. For some reason, this one (2.2 Mb, AVI) cracks me up.

[Thank you, MML.]
Top Ten Films featuring Libraries, Librarians and the Book Arts
Dig Soylent Green, for example, even cooler than I remember:

"In the year 2022, a homicide cop investigates a murder and finds an explosive secret. He must get this knowledge to the Council, a ruling body made up of librarians because they are the only ones left in this society who know how to get information."

Librarians rule. Literally, in Soylent Green. Figuratively, in real life.

The man on the right is about to lose all neuromuscular control.

taser videos
20 quicktime video clips of people being jolted with 50,000 volts of electricity--courtesy of taser.com. Lots of police footage, some test subjects and some promotional video as well.

While tasers are "less than lethal," these clips still look really painful. So, that's my warning about that.

For those of you who have lots of bandwidth, here's a bonus video, not on the clips page, showing lots of volunteers getting zapped (34Mb QT).

And if you're thinking about buying one (maybe as a gift what with the holidays coming up), you can skim Taser's digital brochure (pdf) and learn how you can achieve "close to 100% takedown power."

Also, if you already own a Taser but lost the manual (because you loaned it to the guy from the free clinic and then he never returned it and now he says he's sure he already returned it even though you know he never did) then you can use their online manual. Handy. You Can Do It! Dog Grooming Basics
"Among topics included are: Your Puppy's First Bath [and] Handling the Geriatric Dog"

See also The Puppy Cut. free apocalypse stock photos
Spice up your newsletter.
More Rob Schneider movies, please
I just wanted to be the first person in the world ever to say that.
"The Donkey Suit" (detail) by Matthew Webber

Methods of becoming a Horse
From Destrier's site which is very sincerely "dedicated to Human-Equine Transformation," a sub-category of the furry thing.

I would have thought that changing into a horse would be fun, but something about this site makes it seem dirty, shameful, very serious, and not un-creepy.

That said, this is probably one of the foremost resources in the entire world for human-equine transformation information, transformative horse fiction and transformative horse artwork. For what that's worth.

We are not, however, treated to any first person accounts of equine transformation. Closest we come to that are hooves.

[Thanks, Elizabeth Carolyn.]
Dermatology in the Cinema website
Equally enthusiastic about cinema and dermatology; Vail Reese, MD; presents a series of articles showcasing skin conditions in movies. Such as:
[Thanks again, Holly.]
Coco loves Chupa Chups

[Thank you, Imperial D.]

Arnold Schwarzenegger, "hero"

Arnold Schwarzenegger by Aaron Herbert
From "Our Heroes" a project by an 8th grade class in New Hampshire. Also features:
who's that little man crapping in the sandbox? what is up with that guy?

oh, wait, it's not a little man at all. it's just a cat painted to look like a little man.
Dee D. Jackson, "Cosmic Curves"

Dee D. Jackson
Where have all the outerspace sci-fi disco divas gone?

They have returned to their home planet.

There is more Dee D. here. Daily Show clips/time wasters
If you click that link, first of all, you will need to wait forever for their huge table to load. It's a drag, but then after that the fun begins because now you have well over 200 Daily Show clips to choose from. Not a big deal for those of you with cable, but for those of us without it's a taste of the good life. (And the good life tastes like pretzels.)

[Thank you, José]
ebay: one of a kind bigfoot
"Made of elk and bear hides Bigfoot is realistic and awesome."

one day left. reserve not yet met.

[Thanks, Holly.]

idea to camouflage a cat as a tiny naked person
Ever since seeing that clown painted onto a cat, I've been thinking about the things that can be painted on cats. And one thing that maybe no one has tried, would be to paint a human body over a cat, covering the entire cat to make the cat look like a small cat-shaped naked person. I think that would surprise people.

At first people might actually think it's a small naked man. They'd say hello and the little man might mosey up to them and then rub his back against them trying to get petted.

Or maybe he would scurry away and hide under a car and stare out at them.

Or bring them a dead bird, as a present.

Or he might completely ignore them. With cats, who knows?

A Year at the Top cast

A Year At The Top
Soundtrack to the short-lived NBC sitcom from 1977, starring Paul "The Late Show" Shaffer and Greg "BJ and the Bear" Evigan.

(Please disregard the author's Yoko-bashing. I'm sick of that.)

Oh, here's a great Year at the Top slideshow available from Evigan dot com.

[Thanks, John.]
Balloon self-portrait of Twistin' Todd Neufield
See also Todd's cartoon balloon gallery.

I need to be more of a patron to the balloon arts.
riveting report on "the rain" on the local news right now:

reporter: how has the rain affected you?

interviewee: it hasn't affected me much really. i like the rain.

reporter: and what about your hairdo? how has it affected your hairdo?
cats + cowboy hats = cowboy cats
Clifford's Cat Hats
Cats wearing hats.

Lookin' good, but also lookin' like they might be happier naked.

[Thanks, Dennis.]
Devil Kitty
So haughty. Looks less like a devil, more like a king or high priest, immediately after saying, "SILENCE! Let the infidel speak."

[Thank you, Johnny.]
Sweet Patootie The Clown
For weddings and other events that require clowns.
I watched West Wing last night. I might be the only one who still tries to follow the confused crack-inspired ramblings of Aaron Sorkin.

And you know what's no fun at all? Watching the pretend Democrat do really well in the liberal fantasy world elections immediately after watching the real-world Democrats get creamed. (Creamed, that is, outside of the real-life liberal fantasy world of California, where the Dems did very well.)

Attention all Tappers (realplayer) Fred Armisen sees how far he can get auditioning as a tap dancer, without knowing how to tap dance.

And here are some clips of Fred on HBO.

[via The Chen, 5 foot 2, knows Kung Fu.]
clown painted on a cat's ass
Here it is.

You can paint a picture of a clown. You can paint it right on a cat's ass if you want. That's why America is so great.

[Thanks, Jason.]